Cambridge Women’s Resource Centre exists to promote women’s equity, to respond to women’s voices and to address the needs of women in Cambridgeshire.
The Board of Trustees oversee the work of the CEO and the Centre, and endeavour to do this with the best interests of CWRC’s numerous stakeholders in mind. We are regulated by and reports to the Charity Commission and Companies House. Our accounts are audited annually by Prentis & Co.
The board consists of 4 – 12 elected members who meet every two months with the CEO to set the strategic direction and to review the financial and operational performance of the organisation. Our aim is for a board of women with diverse backgrounds, a wide range of skills and experiences.
CWRC are currently looking for Trustees to grow our skills base and help us ensure the sustainability of the charity.
Please email if you would like to know more.
Our current Trustees
Sarah Johnson (Chair)
I became Chair of CWRC in 2024, having joined the Board as a Trustee in 2021 and serving as Vice-Chair for 2 years. My career spanned 40 years in the further education and training sector from developing Access to HE courses to national policy management. I’m no stranger to the curve-balls life delivers – especially to women – and relish the challenge of supporting the excellent work of the women’s sector.
Michelle Birch (Vice Chair)
I have worked in the voluntary sector for 15 years, currently with a local young people’s charity as their Operations and Communications Lead. I’m particularly interested in well-run organisations and its very exciting to see that happening at CWRC with such a strong team. I’m a life-long feminist and a strong advocate for sorely needed women’s services.
Fran Bailey
I work intensively with individuals who are rough sleeping, vulnerably housed or at risk of losing their home or accommodation through my role at the Cambridge City Council and I understand the exclusion that some vulnerable and marginalised women face and the barriers that stop them moving forward, particularly in terms of homelessness. I’m proud to be a part of such a supportive and nurturing organisation that advocates for women and helps to give them opportunities and chances to change their lives in positive ways.
Alison Colley
Anne Thompson
I am a retired archivist and spent many years looking after the records of a women’s higher education college. I am a great believer of the strength an organisation gains with a record of its past and I hope to be able to help CWRC put their archive of some forty years into good shape, to ensure that information on its existence and history is safe for years to come.