The Freedom Programme

Freedom Programme is a 12-part course for women who have experienced domestic abuse

The course examines common attitudes and beliefs of abusive men, and the responses of victims and survivors. The aim is to help you make sense of and understand what has happened, instead of the whole experience just feeling like a horrible mess. It also looks at the impact on children of witnessing domestic abuse and how their lives are improved when the abuse is removed.

To find out more, or to sign up, use our online referral form, email or call 01223 321148.

If you are a professional,  use our professionals referral form, but we prefer to hear directly from women who wish to attend.

How It Works:

Freedom is delivered by our trained facilitators in a group setting so women can provide mutual support. We can offer Freedom on a one-to-one basis if needed, please contact us to discuss. All courses are held in our women-only centres.

We offer the course on a rolling basis, so if you can’t attend all 12 sessions in a row, you can access missed sessions on the next course. Some women find it helpful to do Freedom more than once, or drop in and out of the course.

Freedom aims to help you

  • Understand the different forms of domestic abuse, including physical, emotional, psychological, sexual, and financial abuse.
  • See how abusers use manipulation, coercion, and control to maintain power.
  • Recognise healthy relationships
  • Find your power by rebuilding self-esteem, regaining control over life, and making informed decisions for the future.

The Freedom Programme is not a replacement for counseling or legal assistance, it is an educational tool to empower and support individuals dealing with the aftermath of abuse.